The Perfectstroke Putting Aid is a putting training system that helps to develop a putting stroke that has a slight arc that is appropriate to the lie angle of the putter. Primarily this is done by having the shaft of the putter stay on plane throughout the stroke by having the shaft rest on a suspended rail. When the radius of the stroke is maintained the putter head will swing up and slightly to the inside on the back stroke and forward stroke. A flatter lie angle will make the stroke arc more while a more upright lie angle will arc less. The rotation of the putter face will also be affected by the lie angle, a more flat lie angle will tend to have more rotation than a more upright putter. With the radius of the stroke maintained and by allowing for a natural rotation of the arms in the stroke the face on path will remain square.
The Perfectstroke also has an alignment strip which makes referencing the aiming of the putter face very accurate at address. With good aim at address and combined with an on plane stroke with a consistent radius the putter face can then return to the ball with no face alignment change. There is no manipulation in regards to stroke path or face rotation when using the Perfectstroke system as the plane rail helps to provide a natural arc. A player is also able to see their shoulder alignment in the reflective base helping to provide good stroke direction at impact. The Perfectstroke Putting Aid is also available in a two plane rail version which allows the puttershaft to be positioned in between the suspended rails enabling various stroke building drills. This version is known as he Perfectstroke Ultimate.
There are also three ground anchor points in the base to ensure absolute stability and position. The Perfectstroke Putting Aid provides the best experience for practising straight and breaking putts and is invaluable in giving feedback to a player about how much putts actually break. No other golf putting training aid is available to provide the accuracy and simplicity of use as the Perfectstroke for straight and breaking putts.
After practising with this system a golfer will be confident of their ability to aim the putter face at address – one of the cornerstones of good putting. Putting strokes and practice strokes can be done on either side of the plane rail which lessens any tendency to become reliant on the device. In basic set up mode where the alignment strip is not used and there are no upper brackets attached use of the device becomes more simple and this is where we recommend players work on distance control and their rhythm and timing. There are markings on the plane rail which can be used to reference stroke length and because the plane rail is positioned higher than normal longer putts can be practiced.
Users need to be able to make the transition from the putting aid to putting on course so it is recommended that some practice is done with shaft set at address a few millimetres off the plane rail and with the alignment strip positioned accordingly over the sweet spot of the putter and directly over the ball. Any contact with the plane rail will then indicate that the shaft has gone off plane. If the backstroke touches the rail then the player will know the shaft and putter head has swung to the inside, if the shaft were to touch the plane rail on the follow through the player can recognise that the shaft has actually swung too much inside leading to a cut type of stroke direction. Players should position the club shaft in this fashion both on the far side of the plane rail and near side at least some of the time when practising.
To help in the transition from using the PerfectStroke in practice to play the golfer should also do some practice with the plane rail removed. The players is then getting benefit from the use of the alignment strip for putter face aim, reference for feet alignment relative to the base and shoulder alignment from the reflective base of the putting aid. The player should then hit putts freely with proper face aim and body alignments and also be able to see if the ball is, in fact, starting directly on the target line by referencing the alignment strip.
One of the keys to keys to obtaining the proper arc and face on path angles is to have an optimal setup position. The Perfectstroke will provide many references for a good putting stroke set up including eye positioning and square alignments with shoulders and feet etc. however there are some other set up positions common among the very best putters. The spine angle bend forward from the hips when measured from the back of the neck to the tail bone and then to the back of the heels for almost all good putters falls into a certain parameter. This angle is usually between 110 and 120 degrees and is important because outside of this parameter will most likely have the player in a too upright or too bent over position at address. With a too upright posture, the shoulders may tend to work on a too flat plane which will tend to make the putter arc excessively and perhaps over rotate. With a player in a too bent over posture there will be less arc and less rotation in the face during the stroke. The player with a too bent over posture must be careful not to round out the spine and have the shoulders move forward as this will encourage a disconnect between the arms and the body during the stroke leading to the strong possibility of a closed backstroke and opening forward stroke. A good set up when using the PERFECTSTROKE Putting Aid should include square alignments with the body, eyes over the ball or very near to that location, a straight lower spine with shoulders back and the triceps’ muscles lightly in contact with the chest. The forearms and shaft should form a straight line when looking at the set up position from down the target line. When a player can achieve these set up positions it is likely that the shaft will work on the correct plane with face square to the arc providing a straight start direction and best possible early ball roll.
Assembly and Usage Instructions for Perfectstroke 2022
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